Concealed Carry Pistol License
33 (to include DC) States of Reciprocity as a Maryland Resident
This training course is a 16-hour (two-day eight-hour) block of instruction which includes classroom instruction on Firearm safety; Firearm nomenclature; Basic principles of marksmanship; Care, cleaning, maintenance, loading, unloading, and storage of pistols; Situational awareness, conflict management, and use of deadly force; Selection of pistols and ammunition for defensive purposes; All applicable District and federal laws, including requirements of Chapter 45 of Title 22 and District Law pertaining to self-defense; and a component that requires the applicant demonstrate the ability to safely fire a handgun.
District of Columbia Firearms Registration Branch
441 4th Street, NW, Room 550 South
Washington, DC 20001
Bottom Line Up Front
Note: CCPL expires two-years after approval/issue date. Renewal can be performed via here
* Allow 120 days for completion of the DC Metropolitan Police Department application process.
The minimum documentation required for the acceptance of the CCPL application are:
Valid Residential State Carry Permit/License
Proof of State Residency
PD-219 Firearms Registration Application
Conceal Carry Pistol License (CCPL) Application
Certificate of Training
Fingerprint Worksheet
Orientation and Operation Curriculum
Initial Requirements:
IAW D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 24 § 2336.1 of 2332.1, A person shall obtain a certificate of completion from an instructor certified by the Chief that includes at least 16-hours of training, and covers the following:
Firearm Safety, including firearm safety in the home, a discussion of prevention of access by minors, locking and storing of firearms, and use of safety devices such as secure lock boxes.
Firearm Nomenclature
Basic Principles of Marksmanship.
Care, cleaning, maintenance, loading, unloading, and storage of pistols
Situational awareness, conflict management, and use of deadly force
Pistol and ammunition selection for defensive purposes
All applicable District and federal firearms laws, including the requirements of the Act, An Act To control the possession, sale, transfer, and use of pistols and other dangerous weapons in the District of Columbia, to provide penalties, to prescribe rules of evidence, and for other purposes, approved July 8, 1932 (47 Stat. 650; D.C. Official Code §§ 22-4501 et seq.), and District law pertaining to self-defense
If users has obtained their state require permit to conceal carry, course will only be two-hours of range training & qualification course, and variable hours CCW instructor independent DC specific laws on Firearms & self-defense course.
A person shall complete at least two-hours of range training, including shooting a qualification course of 50-rounds of ammunition from a maximum distance of 15-yards (45-feet) and receive a qualifying score of 70% as certified by the instructor IAW D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 24 § 2336.2
Basic Practical Handgun Course (BPHC) can be found here
Renewal Requirements:
Four-hour Firearm Safety Training Course/Pistol License Renewal, which includes D.C. specific laws on self-defense
Two-hour Range Training and Qualification Course
A person shall complete at least two-hours of range training, including shooting a qualification course of 50-rounds of ammunition from a maximum distance of 15-yards (45-feet) and receive a qualifying score of 70% as certified by the instructor IAW D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 24 § 2336.2
Basic Practical Handgun Course (BPHC) can be found here
Key Takeaways
Magazine Limitation:
Twenty Round Capacity (Ten rounds per magazine, magazine capacity can not hold more than ten rounds)
Duty to Inform:
With ANY LEO stop, the carrier must inform IMMEDIATLY of their possession of a firearm and provide both Concealed Carry Pistol License and Firearms Registration Certificate.
Concealed Carryied Firearm:
Permissable ONLY to what has been registered and listed on the Firearm Registration Certificate that is on your person.
Prohibited Areas of Concealed Carry:
Click here
Quick Laws at a Glance:
Concealed Carry Pistol License (CCPL):
Does not include:
All below items must be processed on site in DC. Address is 441 4th Street, NW, Room 550 South | Washington, DC 20001
Passport Style Photo
Application Fees
Does include:
Application Process
Schedule an Appointment:
Online here
Under New Appointment:
Service Dropdown select "Firearms Concealed Pistol License Application"
Click "Make an Appointment"
click box of "I agree to the terms and conditions", then click "Next"
Follow along and complete the remaining steps for an appointment
or via Phone (202)727.4275
Online Firearms Safety Training Course here
Application Submission:
Initial applications will be processed in-person at the following location:
441 4th Street, NW, Room 550 South
Washington, DC 20001
Renewal applications can be processed via online here
Documentation and Information Adherence Requirements:
Suitability Requirements to be Licensed to Carry a Concealed Firearm
Firearms Eligible for Registration
Application for Firearms Registration Certificate (PD-219)
Firearms Certificate Information Update Form (if needed)
Complete this form and submit it to the Firearms Registration branch via email at
Payment Information and fees for MPD Services
Below is a list of available services and fees, all of which may be paid for at the payment kiosk:
Livescan Fingerprints: $35
Concealed Carry Pistol License: $75
Firearm Registration: $13
Check List
Required documentation to bring to your appointment:
Concealed Carry Pistol License Application here
Instructions for Submitting an Application for a Concealed Carry Pistol License - Read Me
Application for Firearms Registration Certificate here
Firearms Registration Procedures - Read Me
Concealed Carry Pistol License Course Completion Certificate
Provided by MPD Instructor
Important Links & Information
Legal Firearms here
Schedule an appointment here
Online Firearm Safety Training Course here
General Requirements for Firearms Registration here
Firearms Registration General Requirements Guide (PDF) here
Eligibility Requirements to Register a Firearm here
Firearms Eligible for Registration here
Firearms Registration Forms here
Complete Firearms Registration Procedures here
Application for a Concealed Carry License here
90 day turnover
Suitability Requirements to be Licensed to Carry a Concealed Firearm here
60 day turnover
Prohibited Places to Carry a Concealed Firearm here
Concealed Carry Firearms Training Instructors Certified by MPD here
Ctrl + F "amni" to identify I am a legitimate MPD Instructor
Regulations Governing Concealed Carry Licenses, August 2020 (PDF) here
If I cannot answer any question in a timely manner, please contact the Firearms Registration Branch at (202) 727-4275
Press 1 for firearm regristration and conceal pistol license
Press 3 for fingerprinting
Code of DC Municipal Regulations (PDF) here
Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) here
Payment Information and Fees for MPD Services
Livescan Fingerprints: $35
Ink Fingerprints: $5
Concealed Carry Pistol License: $75
Firearm Registration: $13
Application for Firearms Registration Certificate (PD-219) here
Firearms Registration Application Statement of Eligibility here
Firearms Certificate Information Update Form here (Please complete this form and submit it to the Firearms Registration branch via email at
Fingerprint Fee Notice and Worksheet here