
Handgun Qualification License 

Regulated Firearm Purchase

This training course is a four-hour (minimum) block of information which includes classroom instruction on state firearm law, home firearm safety, handgun mechanisms and operation, and a component that requires the applicant demonstrate the ability to safely fire a handgun. To include a live-fire or alternative live-fire of one to five rounds as required by the State.


Handgun Qualification License (HQL):


Note:  HQL expires 10 years after approval/issue date.  As of January 1, 2021, the Maryland State Police Licensing Division has discontinued printing HQLs. All HQL applicants approved on or after January 1, 2021, will receive via email a notification that the application has been reviewed and approved with a letter for their records.

* Training is valid for 3 years and must be completed prior to submitting an application for a HQL.

* *  Allow 30 days for completion of the Maryland State Police application process.

* * * HQL renewal applicants are NOT required to submit ​fingerprints or complete a firearms safety training course as part of the application for the renewal of an active Handgun Qualification License.​​​  

The minimum documentation required for the acceptance of the initial HQL application are:

How to start initial or renewal application

State Firearm Law Curriculum

Overview of the State firearm law, including discussion of what constitutes:

Home Firearm Safety Curriculum

Overview of handgun and firearm safety in the home, including discussion of:

Handgun Mechanisms and Operation Curriculum

Overview of the proper operation and safe handling of a handgun,

Operation and Handling Curriculum

This is the orientation component that demonstrates the person’s safe operation and handling of a firearm, to include a “live fire” or "Simulated live fire" component in which the applicant safely shoots the weapon.