Firearm safety training for women equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary to defend themselves and their loved ones if the need ever arises. This knowledge not only enhances personal security, but also provides a sense of self-defense. Learning how to safely handle a firearm can give a sense of empowerment and confidence that can extend beyond the shooting range. This confidence can help women feel more in control of their safety and less likely to be victims with the neccessary tools to protect themselves in dangerous situations.
Initial cost is ONLY applicable towards a group and not separately.
If seeking this training individually, click here for payment. Renewal cost is standard across the board and does not require a group.
Wear and Carry Handgun Permint (WCHP):
Initial Cost: $275.oo
Does not include:
MDSP Application Fees
Does include:
HQL (if required)
Class Fee,
Range Fee,
25 rounds of .9mm ammunition,
MDSP B-27 Qualification target,
Wifi (if needed),
Passport Style Photo,
Processing Welcome Packet
& more ...
Wear and Carry Handgun Permint (WCHP):
Renewal Cost: $175.oo
Does not include:
MDSP Application Fees
Does include:
Range Fee,
25 rounds of .9mm ammunition,
MDSP B-27 Qualification target,
Passport Style Photo
Processing Welcome Packet
Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF)
Note: This permit expires on the last day of your birth month every 3 years. Example: If you get issued this permit on January 5, 2021, then it will expire on January 31, 2024
* Successful completion of this class will allow you to apply for a Maryland Wear and Carry Handgun Permit (WCHP)
* * Allow 90 days for completion of the Maryland State Police application process.
* * * As of October 1, 2016 Fingerprints will no longer be required for renewal application submissions.
The minimum documentation required for the acceptance of the initial WCHP application are:
Color passport-style photograph
Electronic fingerprint transmission receipt
Certificate of Handgun Training or documentation of exemption
The minimum documentation required for the acceptance of the renewal WCHP application are:
Color passport-style photograph
Certificate of Handgun Training or documentation of exemption
ATTENTION: Before you may legally wear and carry a regulated firearm, you must possess and maintain on your person the MSP-issued Handgun Wear and Carry Permit. Submission of the application does not authorize you to wear, carry, or transport a handgun.
Class Requirements
This training course is an initial 16 hour (two 8 hour days) or renewal 8 hour block of instruction for an application and will include instruction on state firearm law, home firearm safety, handgun mechanisms and operation, and a component that requires the applicant to demonstrate gun safety and proficiency course of at least 25 rounds, from no further than 15 yards, with a minimum score of 87 (70%) out of 125 (100%) possible scoring points/percentage.
Class Curriculum
Overview of the State firearm law, including discussion of what constitutes:
a regulated firearm,
how to properly purchase or transfer a firearm,
where allowed to carry or transport a firearm,
when necessary to possess a carry permit,
who is prohibited from possessing firearms, and
state law relating to minors,
permissible levels of force, and use of deadly force.
Overview of handgun and firearm safety in the home, including discussion of:
access to minors,
locking and storing of firearms,
and use of safety devices, such as secure lock boxes, etcetera.
Overview of the proper operation and safe handling of a handgun,
including cleaning and maintenance,
the loading and unloading of ammunition, and
the differences between revolvers and semi-automatic handguns
Overview orientation component that demonstrates the person’s safe operation and handling of a firearm, to include a “live fire” component in which the applicant safely shoots the weapon.
Basic Practical Handgun Course: Rounds, Scoring, Passing Score, & Yard Qualifications
How to start initial or renewal application
For Initial and Renewal Application Procedures click here